

Free Live Sex with emma-hiill

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emma-hiill My Name: emma-hiill Female Gender: Female 29 My Age: 29 Medellin From: Medellin

public Chat Room Info:
I Can Speak in: Spanish English
My Height: 5' - 5'3" -
My Weight: 90 - 100 lbs -
My Ethnicity: Latino/Hispanic
Hair Color: Brunette
Eyes: Brown

What Turns Me On: It excites me too much that they speak to me nice, that they make me feel like a princess, that they make me submissive, to tell me that they are touching while they observe me ufff that if it kills me and the vibrations in my pussy
What Turns Me Off: * the lies * the bad deals * To try to fool me * that they demand without giving anything in return * Do not value my work and effort and want everything for free * Let them be rude * that they begin to ask me my personal data * To give me personal data of you * or that they ask me things that know they are prohibited
My Followers: 15
Time Elapsed Online (sec): 2880